She's shown to be preventing them from acquiring a powerful, elemental artifact called the Shooting Star. The Crystal Gems are shown fighting Larimar in the large cavern inside a snowy mountain. In her corrupted state, she found refuge in an ice cavern. Later on, she fought in the Rebellion on Earth until its very end but was unable to escape the Diamonds' Corrupting Light, mutating into a Corrupted Gem upon exposure to the light. Eventually, Larimar defected from Homeworld, which made her become a member of the Crystal Gems. On Homeworld, Larimar constructed ice sculptures and statues for the Diamonds. She also used to carve out ice sculptures for the Diamonds back on Homeworld. Sharp Claws: Larimar possesses the ability to carve out snow cones out of the ice pillars that Snowflake Obsidian forms.Larimar possesses standard Gem abilities, bubbling, shapeshifting, fusion, regeneration, agelessness, and superhuman strength/durability. Despite this, it is shown that Larimar very much enjoys seeing children laugh, and wishes to make it her purpose on Earth to help them do so by giving out prizes at Beach City Funland. She also mentioned to Steven that screams are her favorite sound on Earth, which worried him. Her misunderstandings of how Earth's society functions lead her to get confused over simple things, such as screams being sounds of joy. Larimar is a kind-hearted Gem, who wishes to make others happy. Her appearance, according to her concept art, still remains "frozen" from corruption, which may explain her headshape and sharp claws, however it is unconfirmed if this is truly the case. Her upper lip is jagged, resembling the teeth of her corrupted form. She is also very small in size (hence her name "Little" Larimar). She also has claws, instead of normal fingers (possibly to assist her in her pre-corruption duty as an ice sculptor). She wears a blue shirt with elbow-length sleeves as well as puffy dark blue shorts and a pair of blue knee-length boots with dark blue spots on them. Her eyes always appear to be closed, giving her a permanently cheerful expression. In her normal, uncorrupted state, she has a bright cyan complexion, as well as a prism-shaped head with three spikes on top. She had two dark, hexagonal eyes and a gaping, dark mouth lined with sharp teeth.

Her head was carved into five sharp protrusions.

Larimar also possessed two, very large arms with four spiky fingers each and two short legs. In her corrupted form, she possessed a bulky body that was colored varying icy shades of blue.