
Tim keller health
Tim keller health

tim keller health

Well, I knew of Tim as a pastor of Redeemer Church in New York City, which was rather famous for the way it had brought together people from all sorts of different perspectives, including lots of young urban professionals. Can you talk a little bit about your relationship with each other, maybe when you became aware of each other’s work, when you met, how you’ve kept that relationship going? Francis, start us off, if you would. If we could, let’s just start briefly so the audience can hear that there’s a broader context to this conversation and that you’re not just a couple of random people we paired together. So thank you very much for this time that you’ve given all of us tonight. I know being quarantined at home does not mean there are fewer demands on your time. I think this episode gives some fascinating insights into this moment in history from two people who are uniquely positioned to guide us through it. At the end of the conversation, we’re joined by BioLogos president Deb Haarsma who offers a prayer for both Collins and Keller. We have links in the show notes to information about that, as well as to other things both Collins and Keller have written for the BioLogos website. The prize has previously been given to Mother Teresa, the Dalai Lama, Desmond Tutu, and Billy Graham, among others. Just two days after that event, there was a very exciting announcement that Francis has been named the 2020 Templeton Prize Laureate - an award given each year to honor someone who has made an exceptional contribution to affirming life’s spiritual dimension. A link to the video of that is available in the show notes. This was originally recorded as a livestream event on May 18, 2020. In these days of the COVID-19 pandemic, both of them are busier than ever, and we were so thankful they gave of their time to talk to each other and to us about specific challenges the church and the world are facing right now. And there was also a lasting friendship that developed between Tim and Francis. Out of those meetings there was some trust that developed, without which BioLogos would not have been able to gain a hearing.

#Tim keller health series

So he hosted a series of private meetings in Manhattan where such conversations could take place between prominent faith leaders and scientists. But he thought the conversation was important. Keller has not hidden the fact that he himself has concerns about that. In the early days of BioLogos, there was a huge amount of suspicion from more conservative Christians about whether the science of evolution could be reconciled with the essentials of Christian faith. But fewer people are aware that Tim Keller had an important hand in our success. Most people who know something about BioLogos know that we were founded by Francis Collins. Collins is one of the top scientists in the world, having led the Human Genome Project and now directing the National Institutes of Health and Keller is one of the most respected pastors and authors of his generation. This is a podcast about science and faith, and there are no two people who represent these better than Francis Collins and Tim Keller.

Tim keller health