This is Divine Perfect Timing in practice.Īs spirits in bodies, we have free will. Sometimes, you just have to say thanks, but not right now, and trust that if it's meant to be in your life, it will come to you again at a better time. Just because you have the tools, or the opportunity, doesn't mean you have to say yes to everything. But the funny thing was, I was overwhelmed and exhausted and completely didn't enjoy all the marvelous opportunities coming to me because I didn't trust myself to choose the right one, and more importantly, I didn't trust that I would receive exactly what I needed if I just relaxed and let go of the pushing and pulling and trying to fix my life and make it better! But because I was so afraid to miss an opportunity, I was saying yes to everything, worried that if I didn't I wouldn't be able to pay my bills this month. Lots of doors were opening for me recently. When you're trying to make something happen, you're coming from fear, not faith and trust and the belief that all will work out for your highest good. This is when it's time to sit back and release the situation to the Universe, to the ever changing ebb and flow of the cosmic dance that is happening all around us. When you're forcing and pushing and trying to make things happen, and the doors remain closed, or the barrier refuses to move, or the situation just won't change the way you want it to, this is a hello from Spirit the direction you're trying to go isn't right for you at this moment in time. There are the rare times when I've had an idea of something I wanted to do and experience and everything just flowed effortlessly and easily, and it's been a delightful experience, leaving me feeling vibrant and alive at the end of it. And most of the time, I'm completely exhausted by the end of one of these episodes. It's been painful, and cumbersome and sometimes downright overwhelming.

Up until now, I have pushed pushed pushed to make things happen, to open doors, and to create new experiences for myself. It really boils down to one universal law that I also struggle with: Everything in Divine Perfect Timing. Despite the numerous classes, seminars, books, and whatever else I've engaged in, the lesson of "letting go and letting God" has eluded me, as has the lesson of receiving the good that I so long for. I've been on the spiritual path to consciously heal myself for about ten years now. By this definition, I am totally, completely insane. One of the definitions of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting a different outcome. There is a lesson here, and "fixing it" is not the lesson, no matter how often I am faced with this same scenario. How many of you live like this? Feeling responsible and ever-optimistic that despite the dire circumstances surrounding you, you can make it better? It's really laughable now as I stand back and realize how obviously naive I am.
As an out of control "people pleaser" I have lived by the words of the infamous Jeff Spiccoli from the movie Fast Times At Ridgemont High, "I can fix it man, I have some tools!" In this particular scene, he has just crashed a very expensive car, and it's totally banged up, but being the optimist, he's sure with just a little banging and pushing, he can make the car good as new!

What does that mean? The two are inseparably intertwined in my life. Another lesson is "Letting Go and Letting God."
A lesson I have struggled to learn is how to receive.

We all have many lessons we need to learn, and we can tell this if situations keep coming up over and over and over again with the same outcome. However the lessons arrive, our job as spirit having a human experience is to notice, become aware, and learn to receive the lessons that we decided to learn long before we took a body to experience them. Sometimes they come to us in joy and exuberance having an experience filled with such pleasure and laughter, you know you totally made the right decision!Īnd sometimes, lessons arrive shrouded in pain, dark clouds, misery, and heartbreaking disappointment. Sometimes they come gently, with an awareness that blows into our lives like a gentle spring breeze. Lessons come to us in many different ways.